Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Penne with Eggplant, Sausage, and Kale

My solution for a "quick" Monday meal. It's pretty close to a one pot dish. I guess it's technically two if you count the one needed to cook the pasta. It's vegetable heavy with two large eggplants and a whole bunch of kale. The spicy Italian sausage rounds it all out. The pasta makes for great leftovers, particularly when baked with mozzarella and topped with breadcrumbs and parmesan. Actually, now that I think about it, it's probably better the second time around. 


Sauté garlic and onion with olive oil in a large pot. When lightly caramelized, throw in the sausage and cook through. Add the diced eggplant, stir to coat, and cook until they are just beginning to soften. Add crushed tomatoes and simmer until fragrant. Finally, throw in the chopped kale around the same time that the pasta starts cooking. When the pasta is just al dente, stir the pasta into the sauce, adding some pasta water if necessary. Cook another 3 or 5 minutes and serve with parmesan.

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