Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chicken "Enchiladas"

Enchiladas is in quotes because I actually have no idea what goes into making real enchiladas. I wanted to make chicken tacos one day, and ended up with this concoction. I mean, it's hard to go wrong with chicken wrapped in corn tortillas, covered in spicy sauce, topped with cheese and baked until melty.


Season and sear the chicken. I use salt, pepper, onion power, garlic powder, chili powder, cinnamon, curry powder, white pepper, cayenne, and possibly some other spices that I can't remember at the moment. Yes, the half of a chicken pictured is abnormally large. I get it from my CSA and although they say it's pasture raised and yada yada, I'm pretty sure it's a mutant.

Anyway, next remove the chicken and throw in the onions, garlic, carrots, cubanelle and jalapeño peppers. Scrape up the meaty bits and sauté until soft.

I also added a puree of chipotle peppers that I got from the farmers market, but I forgot to take a picture of them. Here they are in the blender.

Add spices, some tomato paste, chicken stock, a bay leaf, and the chicken back to the pot.

Simmer for...ehhhh about 2 hours. Remove the chicken. When it's cool enough to handle, shred the meat. I throw the white meat back into the sauce and keep the dark meat for the enchilada filling.

Roll, cover with sauce, top with cheese, bake, and enjoy. I should work on the chili ratios because this version was particularly spicy. 

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